Ajax Ltd. is a listed company

Ajax Ltd. is a listed company and a new client of Delaware Partners, a medium-sized audit firm. Jeffrey Nycz is the engagement partner on the audit and has asked the members of the audit team to start the process of gaining an understanding of the client in accordance with CAS 315. One audit manager is leading the group investigating the industry and economic effects, and another is helping Jeffrey consider issues at the entity level. Jeffrey is holding discussions with members of the audit committee, and his talks will cover a wide range of issues, including the company’s corporate governance principles. He has a meeting arranged for next week with the four members of the audit committee, including the chair of the committee, Stella South, who, like the other members of the audit committee, is an independent director.
(a) Make a list of the main factors that will be considered by each audit manager’s group.
(b) What are the required disclosures related to Ajax Ltd. corporate governance practices?


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