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RBC: excesses and deficiencies: types, causes, and effects
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RBC: excesses and deficiencies type, causes, and effects
A blood cell disorder is a condition in which there is a problem with your red blood cells, white blood cells, or the smaller circulating cells called platelets which are crucial for cloth formation. (Healthline) There are three types that form in bone marrow, which is the tissue found in your bones. Red blood cells transport oxygen to organs and tissues while white blood cells help you fight off infection. Platelets are essential for blood clotting and blood cell disorders cause a defect in one of these types of blood cells. Symptoms of red cell disorders are as follows: fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle weakness, and tachycardia. Symptoms of white blood cell disorders are as follows: chronic infections, fatigue, malaise. Symptoms of platelet disorders: slow healing cuts or sores, blood that does not clot, skin bruises easy, frequent nosebleeds without cause.
Red blood cell disorders
Anemia is a red blood cell disorder that affects the iron in your blood. (WebMD) Without iron, the body is not able to produce hemoglobin which helps carry oxygen to the lungs and the rest of your body. Thalassemia is a group of inherited blood disorders. (Healthline) This genetic mutation prevents production of hemoglobin, which causes lack of oxygen to the rest of the body. Some symptoms are enlarged spleen, heart problems, and bone deformities.
White blood cell disorders
White blood cell disorders can affect your body’s immune response and your body’s ability to fight off infection. (Healthline) Lymphoma is a blood cancer that causes blood cells to grow rapidly and affects the lymphatic system. Leukemia is a blood cancer which causes excess white blood cells to form in bone marrow. Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) affects white blood cells again the bone marrow. Excess cells are made which are immature called blasts. Eventually these blasts take over and outnumber healthy cells!
Platelet disorders
Platelets are needed to stop blood loss when you get a cut, without them your body would continue to bleed. Not enough platelets can be serious since a simple cut would not close on its own. Too many platelets can cause clots to form and cause stroke or heart attack in severe cases. Sometimes platelets do not properly stick together, without clotting properly they are not able to stop loss of blood.
Treatment varies among each disorder but seeing a hematologist who is a specialist in blood disease is needed for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Treatment might include growth factors to stimulate blood cell production, steroids, transfusions, chemotherapy to destroy abnormal cells, or gene therapy.
“Blood Diseases”: White and Red Blood Cells, Platelets and Plasma. 2018,
“Blood Disorder Types, Symptoms, and Treatments.” WebMD, WebMD, 13 Mar. 2019,
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