>Applied Sciences homework help

 Company is BMW topic new launch of model. I will send a separate email with the paper with the topic information.
Fourth assignment is a PowerPoint with excel sheet:
Overview: This assignment will allow you to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. It will also assist you in using software for a professional
Prompt: Provide a layout of your selected company that fulfills the critical elements below. Justify your reasoning for the important points mentioned. The audience for this document may be a manager, customer, or client related to the service or product provided by the organization. Consider that this document may need to be approved by your audience or by external sources such as government entities.
Note: Provide enough detail to give the viewer a good sense of the layout and its important aspects. However, the chart does not have to be so detailed that you are providing electrical and plumbing diagrams, for instance.
The following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Provide a workflow for a selected company, with justification.
II. Describe the efficiency and effectiveness of the provided layout.
III. Describe customer or client convenience issues related to the layout.
IV. Address safety, environmental, and ergonomics issues related to the layout of the selected company.
Guidelines for Submission: Use Microsoft Office products such as Excel and PowerPoint (or similar products, such as OpenOffice) as you create your submission. Create and submit one document in JPG, PDF, PPT, or DOC format.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes excellent detail
Provides a workflow for a selected company, with justification
Provides a workflow for a selected company, with justification, but submission contains missing and/or inaccurate information
Does not provide a workflow for a selected company, with justification
Efficiency and Effectiveness
Meets “Proficient” criteria and illustrates with examples
Describes the efficiency and effectiveness of the provided layout
Describes the efficiency and effectiveness of the provided layout, but submission lacks information and/or provides inaccurate information
Does not describe the efficiency and effectiveness of the provided layout
Client Convenience
Meets “Proficient” criteria and illustrates with examples
Describes customer or client convenience issues related to the layout
Describes customer or client convenience issues related to the layout, but submission lacks information and/or provides inaccurate information
Does not describe customer or client convenience issues related to the layout
Thank you


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