Article writing homework help

Summary of the Assignment: • Task: In this assignment, you will write a set of instructions that explain how to accomplish a task on a website. • Length: There is no minimum or maximum word count. However, your instructions must have 6 or more steps. More information on the number of steps is provided below. • Graphics: You must include at least one graphic for each step. o at least 6 graphics should be integrated into your set of instructions o all graphics should be screen captures of the website you are demonstrating o all graphics should be labeled • The first step of the set of instructions should start at the url of the website. o Do not start the instructions by telling the user to turn on his or her computer or to open up a particular web browser. You should assume the user knows that he or she needs to have a computer, needs to turn it on, and needs to use a web browser. You should start by directing the user to start at the url of the website on which the task is going to take place. Brief Description and Strategies to Follow: Please keep in mind the following principles when writing this assignment: • You must provide instructions on how to accomplish a task on a website. Some examples of topics are the following. (Keep in mind that you may select your own topic. These are just examples to help you consider various topics.) o how to check your balance in your checking account online o how to perform a function in your class in LEO o how to find and borrow a book on your local public library’s website o how to pay a fee on the website for the Motor Vehicle Association in Maryland (or the equivalent for your state) o how to change your credit card information on Amazon’s website • You must have at least 6 steps. • Each step is to be numbered and is to begin with an imperative verb, as the resources in the class indicate. • Every step will include a picture or graphic to help the reader follow the instructions. Sections to Include in Your Set of Instructions: The set of instructions will include the following sections: • Title Page • Overview or Introduction with background information about why a user would want to accomplish the task you are describing. • Instructions o number all of the main steps, as the resources for the class indicate o provide a graphic for steps of the instructions that need a graphic ▪ all graphics will be screen captures of the website. ▪ all graphics should be labeled Helpful Guides and Resources: • Chapter 10 from Tebeaux and Dragga, which is available in the e-reserves section of the class, is a helpful document to review as you begin this assignment. • The Tech Writing Handbook by Dozuki, which is one of the resources listed in our class, has an appendix that provides tips in writing instructions and incorporating graphics into instructions. • The Mayfield Handbook, which is also one of the resources listed in our class, features excellent tips on writing instructions. o Section 2.8.3 of the handbook, Instructions and Procedures, will be particularly helpful. • Some sample sets of instructions written by previous students in WRTG 393 are provided in our class in LEO.
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