Civil homework help

Assignment 11
CJUS 4110
Pay very close attention to the requirements and grading for this assignment. If you are not diligent in checking your paper thoroughly, you could potentially lose all your points on this assignment. This assignment, and the future assignments in this course, will be graded very strictly on grammar, punctuation, spelling, and citation format. This is so that you will have a polished, well-written finished product.
Your assignment should be typed, double-spaced with 1-inch margins and 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Please check your margins. Your assignments should be APA formatted with a title page and reference page that includes your name and class information. Failure to follow these instructions will result in a minimum 5-point deduction on your assignment.
Grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes will be graded. You will be allowed 5 mistakes, after which a point will be taken off for each mistake. Citation format will be graded (both in-text and reference citations). You will be allowed 2 mistakes, after which 1 point will be deducted for each mistake. Good luck and have fun.
Because of technical issues, this assignment will be due Thursday instead of the Tuesday listed as the due date. Assignment is due in the dropbox before class on the Thursday after the due date listed in the syllabus.
For this assignment, you will complete the next part of your research paper: the discussion section.
1. Please review all of the sources that I have provided on how to write the discussion portion of your paper.
2. Please refrain from journalistic writing techniques. This is not an essay or newspaper article. Also, avoid using personal pronouns.
3. You will combine the introduction that you have written for assignment 7, the literature that you have written for assignment 8, your statement of problem from assignment 9, and the discussion section that you are writing for this assignment.
4. Your discussion should be at least 1000 words.
5. This section should discuss the problem that you have identified along with any potential solutions that you have formulated to address the problem. This should all be supported by your research.


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