Education homework help

What are the legal implications of tests used by employers to make employment decisions such as hiring and promoting their employees?  These tests include, but are not limited to, drug tests, medical examinations, genetic tests, polygraphs,  skills, and physical fitness tests.  They all raise the potential of discrimination and invasion of privacy issues.  The first half of this module will cover relevant laws and HR practices that will minimize the potential for claims.  We will also explore possible defences against a claim related to employment testing.  The second half of this module will explore legal issues relating to selecting employees for hire and promotion. Topics to be covered include how employers can ensure that recruitment, selection, training, development, and other human resource practices do not reinforce or perpetuate systematic discrimination. We will also examine the pitfalls of discrimination, defences to discrimination claims, EEO issues, and best practices for hiring and promoting employees.
This module contains one discussion topic (Module 3. Non-medical tests ), and the Lewis v Heartland Inns of America Case Analysis . Required reading is Chapters 6 & 7.  Please complete reviewing all module contents, including the chapter readings and the notes before attempting these assessments. Discussions will be graded according to Grading Standards for Discussions. Detailed instructions for the case analysis assignment are available in the  Dropbox. This assignment will be grading according to Grading Standards for Exams and Written Assignments.
By the end of this module, student will be expected to be able to: 

  • Identlfy the common tests employers use and their purposes.
  • Explain the legal consideration, which derive from various testing procedures
  • Explain the elements of sound testing programs
  • Identify and explain the statutory and regulatory limitations and requirements relating to employee testing
  • Construct prima facie defences to a claim related to testing discrimination and invasion of privacy
  • Identify and discuss the legal considerations in hiring and promoting employees
  • Identify the significant legislation and common-law principles that govern affirmative action and elaborate on their requirements
  • Explain when and why employers are required to take affirmative action
  • Explain the requirements for affirmative action plans
  • Explain the EEO issues connected with hiring and promotion
  • Develop defenses to a claim of discrimination in hiring and promotion
  • Propose best practices for fair hiring and promotion of employees


Please review the module resources and Learning Objectives before proceeding with this assignment.
With respect to the Riser v. QEP Energy Case on page 451, respond to case Questions 1 – 5. Your case analysis should contain a cover page entitled with the case name and include reference section at the end. Each analysis paper should be 4-6 pages in length excluding the cover page and reference section.  This assignment should be prepared in 1.5 inch line spacing, 12 point Times New Romans or Arial font. Each written assignment should be submitted as a MS Word or PDF file as “ Riser v. QEP Energy “



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