Education homework help

Education homework help. ASSESSMENT COVER PAGE
Course Name:
Unit / Subject Name: BSBLED802 Lead Learning Strategy Implementation
Trainer’s Name: Assessment No: Task 1, Task 2, Task 3
I declare that:
o I fully understand the context and purpose of this assessment.
o I am fully aware of the competency standard/criteria against which I will be assessed.
o I have been given fair notice of the date, time and venue for the assessment.
o I am aware of the resources I need and how the assessment will be conducted.
o I have had the appeals process and confidentiality explained to me.
o I agree that I am ready to be assessed and that all written work is my own.
o This assessment is my:
o First submission o Re-submission (Attempt ___ )
Student Name: Student ID:
Student’s Signature: Submission Date: / /
Assessment Task 1: o Satisfactory o Not Satisfactory
Assessment Task 2: o Satisfactory o Not Satisfactory
Assessment Task 3: o Satisfactory o Not Satisfactory
Final Assessment Result for this unit C / NYC
Feedback: Feedback is given to the student on each
Assessment task & final outcome of the unit Yes / No
Date: / /
It is student’s responsibility to keep the assessment submission receipt as a proof of submission of assessment tasks.
Student Name: Student ID:
Unit / Subject Code: Assessment No:
Trainer Name: Date: / /
BSBLED802 Assessment Instruction
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
Each assessment component is recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). A student can only achieve
competence when all assessment components listed under procedures and specifications of the assessment section are Satisfactory.
Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYS is eligible for reassessment. Should the student fail to submit the assessment, a result outcome of Did Not Submit (DNS) will be recorded.
Student should be provided with an appropriate time frame in which to resubmit their work, according to the RTO’s re-assessment
policy and procedure.
Plagiarism, cheating and collusion.
Where a trainer/assessor believes there has been an incident of academic misconduct involving plagiarism, cheating, and/or
collusion, they should report this along with reasons for the allegation. Assessors should refer to their RTO’s policy and procedures
regarding training and assessment for further information.”
When all unit’s assessment tasks have been submitted and assessed (including resubmissions), print out a copy of this unit’s Final
Results Record, included as the last page of this document. Record the result for each task and the final result for the unit as C
(Competent) or NYC (Not Yet Competent). There is also space to give the student some written feedback for the overall unit.
Sign and date the middle section and give the sheet to the student. After discussing their results with them, the student must fill out
and sign the final section of the Record, where they acknowledge the result that you have given them.
When the student has filled out the final section of the Final Results Record, make a copy for them and retain the original with the
student’s records.
Resources required for this Assessment
• All documents must be created using Microsoft Office suites i.e., MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
• Upon completion, submit the assessment printed copy to your trainer along with assessment coversheet.
• Refer the notes on eLearning to answer the tasks
• Any additional material will be provided by Trainer
Instructions for Students
Please read the following instructions carefully
• This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
• Students are allowed to take this assessment home.
• Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with
feedback on your work within 2 weeks of the assessment due date.
• Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be
given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
• If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
• Please refer to the College re-assessment and re-enrolment policy for more information.
• Please provide required references of the sources, if you use any information from any sources (such as: learner book, power
point and online resources) to answer the assessment questions and make the required changes to justify that it is your own
BSBLED802 Assessment Instruction
Re-submission opportunities
Please read the following instructions carefully
• Students will be provided feedback on their performance by their Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily
addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
• If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed your assessor will explain why and provide you written feedback along
with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt/ s will be
arranged at a later time and date.
• Students have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if they feel they have been dealt with unfairly or have
other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
• Students are encouraged to consult with their assessor prior to attempting this task if they do not understand any part of this
task or if they have any learning issues or needs that may hinder them when attempting any part of the assessment.
• Please see Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Unit of Competency Guidelines v1.1 for more detail.
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 1
Version 1.0
You are to answer all the questions in this task.
• Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
• Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your answers).
This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (if
applicable). Your assessor will advise.
Your answers to all the questions.
If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will
need to do one of the following:
• Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
• Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.
Instructions to students:
▪ This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
▪ You need to answer all 12 questions correctly.
▪ You must answer the questions by writing in the space provided.
▪ If you need more space, you can use extra paper. Make sure you write on each extra piece of paper
your name and the question number/s you are answering.
▪ You may prefer to use your computer to type your answers. Your assessor will let you know if you can
email your answers as a Word file, or if you must print and submit hard copies.
Assessment Task 1: Written questions
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 1
Version 1.0
Establish the relationship between authority, responsibility and accountability within the parameters
of an organisation. Answer in 150-180 words.
a) Explain the consultation processes required to support the policy and procedure development.
Answer in 150-180 words.
b) List any five (5) communication methods to encourage organisational input into policies and
procedures development processes.
Explain in 50-80 words each, the four (4) approaches to research and design strategies.
What are the steps involved in contemporary style of design and development of organisational learning
strategy? Answer in 200-250 words.
Explain the continuous improvement processes associated with organisational learning strategy. Answer in
150-180 words.
Explain the implementation process of strategic plans and identify its effect on an organisation. Answer in
300-350 words.
a) List any five (5) assessment methods, which can be used by organisations to evaluate strategies.
b) List the three (3) assessment tools, which can be used by organisations to evaluate strategies.
Explain the “Organisational learning theory”. Answer in 200-250 words.
List any seven (7) inclusions in any compliant learning resources and systems in organisational learning
strategy development context. Answer in 200-250 words.
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 1
Version 1.0
List any eight (8) technology and system requirements to support organisational learning strategy.
a) Mobile apps and tablet computing have been identified as emerging technologies in workplace learning.
Discuss how technology has affected contemporary organisational learning strategy design and
b) List eight (8) assessment methods that can be supported through technology (known as e-assessment)
and considered in an organisational learning strategy.
List any eight (8) legislations, codes of practice and national standards which are applicable to any job role.
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 2
Version 1.0
You are to answer all the questions in this task.
• Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
• Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your answers).
This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (if
applicable). Your assessor will advise.
Your answers to all the questions.
If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will
need to do one of the following:
• Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
• Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.
Instructions to students:
▪ This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
▪ You need to answer all 7 questions correctly.
▪ You must answer the questions by writing in the space provided.
▪ If you need more space, you can use extra paper. Make sure you write on each extra piece of paper
your name and the question number/s you are answering.
▪ You may prefer to use your computer to type your answers. Your assessor will let you know if you can
email your answers as a Word file, or if you must print and submit hard copies.
ASSESSMENT TASK 2: Practical Assessment Task- Lead and develop learning strategy
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 2
Version 1.0
Part A – Lead learning strategy formation
In this part of the project, you are required to examine and review present approaches for learning and training
deployed by the company, detailed in the given case study (Annexure-1).
Instructions to students:
1. This is an oral assessment task and consists of a role play.
2. You must follow the given case study and the additional scenario given in the task to complete the Part A
of this task.
3. Your trainer/assessor and/or classmates will play the roles of relevant stakeholders to complete the task.
4. You must note down the points discussed and prepare the minutes of meeting (M.O.M).
5. You must participate and lead the meeting professionally, using the appropriate communication styles.
Steps to complete Part A of the Practical Assessment Task:
Scenario: For the given case study of Marks and Spencer, assume that the company has now decided to
focus on digital marketing and want to target huge market in South Asian countries. You have been appointed
as the new Manager to lead the learning strategy implementation for the new direction/ focus area.
You have reviewed the company’s present learning and training practices and want to understand its
competitiveness and success in meeting the organisational strategic requirements for digital marketing.
Therefore, you have called a meeting with the company’s Marketing Director, Mr. Steve Nelson and the
General Manager of the Human Resource Department, Mr. James Patrick.
Your trainer/assessor will play the role of Mr. Steve Nelson and one of your classmates will play the role of
Mr. James Patrick. In case of unavailability of additional student, trainer/assessor will play both the roles of
company’s Marketing director and the General Manager of the Human Resource Department.
TSK2.1.During your meeting with the company’s Marketing Director and the General Manager of the Human
Resource Department,
Discuss on the present learning and workplace training approaches and gather the information about their
success in achieving the organisation’s strategic requirements.
TSK2.2.Discuss and review at least three (3) options that the company could examine relating to deploying
quality policies and processes in organisational learning, including OHS, ethical standards, legislative
requirements, including NVR, and corporate governance
• A copy of the Minutes of Meeting (M.O.M)
• Evidence of meeting including:
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 2
Version 1.0
o Name and position of personnel attended the meeting
o Date of the meeting
o Points discussed in the meeting
o Signature of the stakeholders
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 2
Version 1.0
Part B – Analyse and plan requirements for organisational learning strategy
This part is in continuation to the Part A of this task. You are required to evaluate and plan requirements for
the organisational learning strategy, as per the given case study (Annexure-1) and the scenario provided
Instructions to students:
1. You must analyse and plan requirements for the organisational learning strategy in the given context
2. You must prepare an informal report to cover the given criteria
3. Word-limit for the report is 400-600 words.
Steps to complete Part B of the Practical Assessment Task:
a) Identify and evaluate the technological and system requirements for the organisational learning
strategy as per the given case study (Annexure-1) and the scenario.
b) Identify and document the human resources requirement that would be required by the
c) Analyse and align organisational learning strategy with human resources and learning
requirements and plans. You may find the table below of assistance with this task
Requirement Analysis of tasks to be performed Human Resources
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 2
Version 1.0
Part C – Design and develop organisational learning strategy
This part is in continuation to the Part A and Part B of this task. You are required to design and develop
organisational learning strategy for the company detailed in the given case study (Annexure-1) and the
scenario provided above.
Instructions to students:
1. You must design and develop the organisational learning strategy in the given context only.
2. You must prepare a report in a suitable format to cover all the given criteria in appropriate details.
3. Word-limit for the report is 600-800 words.
Steps to complete Part C of the Practical Assessment Task:
TSK2.4. Design an organisational learning strategy to include the following:
a) Instructor, learner and organisational strategic requirements
b) Relevant units of competency, modules from accredited courses or non-accredited training
c) Flexibility to permit and promote responsiveness of the organisation to changed
circumstances and priorities
d) Support for the organisational strategic requirements
e) Processes and procedures to provide guidance for allocating and managing resources and
f) Assessment and recognition policies*
g) Procurement and supply policies*
*ensure policies are appropriate to organisational strategic requirements and structure is compliant
with organisation’s format, including consultation processes
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 2
Version 1.0
Strategy could be similar to example below
The current picture
Existing Resources
Learner needs
Learning styles of target group
Other people and operational factors
The Learning Strategy
Scope statement
Learning Objectives
Will the learning be:
• Accredited
• Non-accredited
• Qualification from Training Package
• Unit/s from Accredited Course
Learner profiles
Existing Learning Resources
Options for content
Logical considerations:
Does the planned training:
• reflect the learner’s needs?
• Meet the agreed outcomes?
• Fit with the scope statement?
• Practical to delivery
Assessment Tool design
Assessment Instruments
Mapping document complete
Marking guide containing benchmarks complete
Learning Pathway
Goals for learning
Sequence job tasks and activities to be included in
the learning
Training methods
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 3
Version 1.0
This is the third and final assessment task for this unit on leading learning strategy formation and you are
required to provide professional leadership in implementing the organisational learning strategy and then
reviewing and improving the organisational learning strategy formation for the given case study (Annexure1) and the additional scenarios given in the task.
▪ Computer and Microsoft Office
▪ Access to the Internet for research
▪ Workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment
▪ Research resources, including industry related systems information
▪ Case study (Annexure-1)
▪ Information on current training and assessment requirements
▪ This task may be done in an actual workplace or a close simulation of the workplace environment
▪ You will be provided with the due date for this assessment so that you can write it in the Assessment
▪ Part A: Copy of the email to stakeholders and report on implementing organisational learning strategy
▪ Part B: Report on review of organisational learning strategy
▪ Part C: Presentation handouts on improving organisational learning strategy formation
If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will
need to do one of the following:
• Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
• Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.
Instructions to students:
▪ This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
▪ You need to answer all 7 questions correctly.
▪ You must answer the questions by writing in the space provided.
▪ If you need more space, you can use extra paper. Make sure you write on each extra piece of paper
your name and the question number/s you are answering.
▪ You may prefer to use your computer to type your answers. Your assessor will let you know if you can
email your answers as a Word file, or if you must print and submit hard copies.
ASSESSMENT TASK 3: Practical Assessment Task- Implement, review and improve organisational
learning strategy formation
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 3
Version 1.0
This assessment has been developed to assist you in understanding the process of implementing the
organisational learning strategy, review the organisational learning and development and then plan for
improving organisational learning strategy.
This assessment is to be completed in following three (3) parts:
1. Part A: Implement learning strategy formation
2. Part B: Review organisational learning and development
3. Part C: Improve organisational learning strategy formation
Part A – Implement organisational learning strategy
In this part of the project, you are required to implement organisational learning strategy, validate
assessment methods, review policies and procedures and examine strategic outcomes attained through
organisational learning strategy.
Instructions to students:
1. This is a written assessment task and consists of a series of activities.
2. You must follow the given case study (Annexure-1), additional scenario given in Assessment task 2
and the reports prepared by you to lead learning development of organisational learning strategy.
3. Your trainer/assessor and/or classmates will play the roles of relevant stakeholders to complete the
4. You must follow the given word-limits to complete the written tasks.
Steps to complete Part A of the Practical Assessment Task:
Scenario: For the given case study of Marks and Spencer, assume that the company’s top management
has now approved the organisation’s learning strategy, prepared by you for focussing on digital marketing
to target huge market in South Asian countries.
You must now take appropriate steps to implement the organisational learning strategy. Complete the
following tasks to implement the organisational learning strategy that you have developed:
TSK3.1.Introduce your organisational learning strategy meeting the organisation’s requirement for
focus on digital marketing in South Asian market through an e-mail to all the relevant
stakeholders. Your trainer/assessor and/or classmates will act as the relevant stakeholders.
The word-limit for the e-mail is 70-100 words.
TSK3.2.Validate the assessment methods and assessment tools and provide a copy of the results of
the validation. You must prepare a report of 200-300 words and validate for compliance with
following points:
• Desired performance criteria,
• Required skills and knowledge criteria
TSK3.3.Identify and list any five(5) learning resources to ensure compliance with international, national,
industry and workplace needs
Task brief
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 3
Version 1.0
TSK3.4.Review the organisation’s learning/ training policies and procedures for continuing relevance,
operational effectiveness and to identify any gaps. Write an informal report 200-300 words.
• A printed copy of the e-mail sent to the stakeholders
• Validation report
• List of learning resources
• Review of training policies and procedures
Part B – Review organisational learning and development
This part is in continuation to the Part A of this task and the assessment task 2. You are required to
evaluate the outcomes of the organisational learning strategy, develop procedures and incorporate national
policy and system changes into the organisational learning. You must refer the given case study
(Annexure-1) and the scenario provided.
Instructions to students:
1. You must evaluate strategic outcomes and develop procedures for the organisational learning strategy
in the given context only.
2. You must prepare a report to cover the given criteria
3. Word-limit for the report is 400-600 words.
Steps to complete Part B of the Practical Assessment Task:
Scenario: For the given case study, assume that the organisation’s learning strategy has been
implemented as per the plan prepared by you for focussing on digital marketing to target huge market in
South Asian countries.
The first review of the strategic outcomes has been carried out after 3 months of implementation and the
major observations are as follows:
1. Staff development, where it takes place, has all too often focused on process rather than concepts and
benefits of the learning outcomes approach.
2. Teaching staff are struggling to adjust to the new concepts and paradigm shift. This is difficult for them
in terms of no longer being the “knowledge owner” but being required to be a facilitator of learning and
analysis – acquisition of facts is palpably easy in the digital age, what to do with those facts is the
difficult skill.
3. There is a need for developing the skills base of those who are to undertake staff development; a
proper infrastructure is needed.
4. It uses the same methodology (adjusted culturally) for the South Asian countries however when looking
across the results for countries, are to a very large extent consistent.
You must now review organisational learning and development outcomes and take appropriate steps to
modify learning strategies to support implementation of improved learning policies and procedures.
Complete the following steps to complete this task:
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 3
Version 1.0
TSK3.5.Evaluate strategic outcomes attained through the organisational learning strategy and update
policies and procedures accordingly. Provide evidence of the evaluation process.
TSK3.6.Write down the procedure to improve liaising with educators, learners and others to monitor
learning strategies and learning resources against organisational learning targets.
TSK3.7.Explain the procedure to timely and periodically monitor and incorporate the national policy and
system changes into organisational learning and development strategies and practices.
TSK3.8.Make changes to the designed learning strategies and required learning resources to support
implementation of improved learning policies and procedures.
This part is in continuation to the previous assessment tasks of this unit. This is an oral assessment task
and requires you to evaluate organisational learning strategy implementation, review performance of
people and resources and present plans to improve organisational learning strategy formation.
Instructions to students:
1. This oral presentation is an individual work exercise
2. This will be a role-play presentation and your classmates/ trainer/ assessor will take on the role of top
management of your company.
3. This session is to be presented using MS Power Point slides as a face to face/ virtual meeting
4. You must prepare 15-20 slides and must write only the keywords/ points in the slides.
5. Time-limit for delivering the presentation is 25-30 minutes.
6. You will be video-graphed or photographed during the presentation.
7. You must follow the given case study (Annexure-1), additional scenarios given and the reports
prepared by you to complete previous tasks.
Steps to complete Oral Presentation Task:
Scenario: For the given case study, assume that the organisation’s learning strategy has been
successfully implemented as per the plan prepared by you for focussing on digital marketing to target huge
market in South Asian countries. The top management of your company wants you to deliver a
presentation on future approach towards organisational learning strategy formation.
You must prepare and deliver a PowerPoint presentation to your top management covering the following
points/ criteria:
TSK3.9.Explain the steps to implement organisational learning strategy.
TSK3.10. Explain the procedures followed in your organisation (not necessarily related to the give
case study) to review performance of resources and staff members supporting the organisational
learning strategy
Part C – Improve organisational learning strategy formation
BSBLED802 Student Assessment Task 3
Version 1.0
TSK3.11. Identify the lessons learnt and the corrective actions for improving organisational learning
strategy formation
• Speaker’s notes
• Presentation handout of slides
• Presentation feedback reports

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