Education homework help

As a special education leader, it is crucial that you have a process by which you regularly evaluate what is working well and what is not. This important process is about achieving and sustaining success, a process that consists of components that can be replicated. Sustaining whole system change in education requires leaders at various levels of the organization engaging in collaborative conversations, designing innovative and meaningful programs, and having the ability to manage outcomes. For this Discussion, you will evaluate components of sustainability and apply those skills in analyzing the two Sustainability Scenarios. As a leader in the field of special education, how will you create an effective model of measuring sustainability?
To Prepare:

  • Review the articles on sustainability. Make notes of components of sustainability identified in successful districts.
  • Review the McIntosh et al. article. Reflect on the four factors contributing to sustainability.
  • Reflect on the Ontario Reform Strategy in Chapter 5 of the Fullan and Quinn text, concentrating on special education aspects.
  • Read The Components of Sustainability provided      in the Module Resources. Focus on components of sustainability evident in both districts. Consider other aspects of the Coherence Framework that support sustainability.
  • Identify five additional scholarly sources that would support your position on components of sustainability.

Your analysis of effective components of sustainability identified through your research and module resources. Based on the components chosen, identify components of sustainability evident in both districts. Which components of sustainability might be missing in the unsuccessful district? Compare and contrast any notable differences as they relate to sustaining and achieving success. Explain which components of the coherence framework are evident at Kristi’s site as opposed to Jenny’s. How do these factors impact the components of sustainability? Explain your answer. Include at least five scholarly resources to support your position. 
Learning Resources
Required Readings
Fullan, M., & Quinn, J. (2016). Coherence: The right drivers in action for schools, districts, and systems. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
· Chapter 6, “Leading for Coherence” (pp. 127–138)
· Coherence Assessment Tool (Figure 6.2)
Peurach, D. J., Lenhoff, S. W., & Glazer, J. L. (2016). Large-scale high school reform through school improvement networks: Exploring possibilities for “Developmental Evaluation.” Teachers College Record118(13).
Large-Scale High School Reform Through School Improvement Networks: Exploring Possibilities for “Developmental Evaluation” by Peurach, D.; Lenhoff, S.; Glazer, J., in Teachers College Record, Vol. 118/Issue 3. Copyright 2016 by Teachers College Record. Reprinted by permission of Teachers College Record via the Copyright Clearance Center.
Coffey, J. H., & Horner, R. H. (2012). The sustainability of school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports. Exceptional Children, 78(4), 407-422. doi: 10.1177/001440291207800402
Hedegaard-Sorenson, L. & Tetler, S. (2016).  Evaluating the Quality of Learning Environments and Teaching Practice in Special Schools. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 31(2), 264-278. DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2016.1141524
McIntosh, K., MacKay, L. D., Hume, A. E., Doolittle, J., Vincent, C. G., Horner, R. H., & Ervin, R. A.(2011). Development and initial validation of a measure to assess factors related to sustainability of school-wide positive behavior support. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 13(4), 208–218. doi:10.1177/1098300710385348
Peurach, D. J., Glazer, J. L., Winchell Lenhoff, S. (2016).  The developmental evaluation of school improvement networks.  Educational Policy, 30(4), 606-648.   doi:10.1177/0895904814557592
Fullan, M. (2015b). Change: Making it happen in your school and system. Retrieved from
Required Media
Grand City Community
Laureate Education (Producer) (2016a). The components of sustainability [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Go to the Grand City Community and click on Venues. Then go to School District Administration Offices and open and review the following scenario: The Components of Sustainability.

  • attachment



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