>English homework help

Read and prepare an executive summary for one of the following articles from Tierra Grande, the Texas Real Estate Center’s Journal:   https://www.recenter.tamu.edu/articles/tierra-grande:
● “This Old Loft-Downtown Living in Small Town Texas,” October 2017;
● “Are Liability Waivers Enforceable,” October 2019; or
● “Homestead Advantages,” October 2018;
and submit your work through Assignments. Be sure to follow instructions for written work provided in the course’s syllabus. Your summary should not exceed 1 type-written page. Points may be deducted for summaries failing to meet this requirement. The purpose of this assignment is for the student to ascertain the salient points from each article and articulate them in a precise, well-written manner while observing proper rules for grammatical correctness. This assignment may be submitted at any time prior to its due date, which is Nov 13 11pm.


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