History homework help

The assignment is to compose a 3 page double spaced paper (12 pt.font, times new roman or Arial font)  on the music and culture of India. The different types of classical music from the South and North of India. The typical instruments of India, give a detailed description of the sounds of at least 6 of these instruments. Give a personal account of why you chose the instruments you did and how they resonate with you.
Describe the difference in the music of Southern and Northern India. What is raga, what is the primary function of music to the culture and society of India? Show by inserting YouTube links, describing, and giving a personal review of at least two Indian musical compositions. Research and find these two musical compositions outside of the content given. Explain what your chosen musical selection means, the title, its composer, the instruments played, the performers, how the music makes you feel, and what reason the song was composed, and why you chose it. What region is the composer from in India?
What is the geographical landscape of India, describe and list the religious practices that exist in India. What is the “caste system”, why was it created, and how does this impact society throughout India.
Lastly what political structure do they use in India, what is some of India’s produce, industry, or trade to the global environment, and what is their economic value.
Attached will be a textbook reading that will help answer the questions in the paper (please include info from the reading).
Here are also be two links that will help with the paper: https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/indi/hd_indi.htm

There must be a work cited page (MLA style). You do not have to cite the textbook attached, I will do that.
If you use any other sources please include it on the work cited page.
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