>Human Resource Management homework help

Compose a reflective essay on plagiarism. This type of essay is primarily designed for you to express your own views and feelings on a topic rather than to prove a thesis. In particular, this essay should reflect and document how your views on plagiarism have changed from before your taking this class to now. You should also discuss how plagiarism can impact others in a negative way and how it relates to academic integrity.
The essay should be between 300 to 500 words long (between two and four pages of typed material). Include an APA formatted title page and the first page of a paper (See pages 41 and 42 of the APA Manual, 6th Edition for the exact requirements)
This paper does not specifically require citing sources because its purpose is to be a reflection on the topic by you; nonetheless, you are encouraged to include any citation that you feel demonstrates your beliefs. Note that this will allow you to directly reference those ideas without inadvertently committing plagiarism. This paper does require you begin practicing APA formatting requirements.


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