Management homework help

As a manager in human resources, part of my job is to guide the process by which my company selects new
employees. Recently, we selected an applicant to fill a computer analyst position. The supervising manager and a
selection panel selected this applicant over a number of others based on her superior qualifications and interview.
However, a routine background check indicated that the applicant had been convicted 18 years earlier for false
check writing. The application form has a section where the applicant is asked if he or she has ever been convicted
of anything other than a traffic violation. In response to that question, this applicant wrote “no.” When informed
of this, the supervising manager stated that she would still like to hire the applicant but asked me for my
recommendation. The job does not involve money handling.
Grading Rubric
Does Not Meet
0-1 points
2-3 points
4-5 points
Problem Identification
 Student recognizes the central facts presented in the case.
 Student recognizes overarching managerial issues involved in the case.
 Student identifies a minimum of two stakeholders impacted by the case.
 Student understands the threats associated with particular stakeholders.
 Student understands the opportunities associated with particular stakeholders.
 Student identifies economic corporate social responsibilities associated with the case.
 Student identifies legal corporate social responsibilities associated with the case.
 Student identifies political corporate social responsibilities associated with the case.
 Student recognizes ethical framework(s).
 Student applies ethical framework(s).
 Student evaluates the positive/implications of various alternatives.
 Student can account for variations in the scenario.
Overall Quality of Paper
 Student properly formats the paper.
 Student submits a paper that passes the Turnitin Similarity Rating and does not
indicate a violation of the Academic Honesty Policy.
 Student submits a paper that is grammatically correct.
One final note: If you follow the guidelines mentioned in this document, you will meet expectations,


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