Management homework help

Assignment 1 Organizational Theory and Behavior (9 slides total)
Unit three CEO of an organization attached below
(Do not combine the two assignment as one)
For the Unit V PowerPoint Presentation, you will continue to work on your course project, and you will present on the ways in which your selected organization will reduce errors in communication.
Start by researching your organization, and determine if they have made an error in communication through an advertisement, consumer policy, or verbal actions to employees. If they have, you will explain that error in your presentation. If not, please research another organization that has, and use this as an example of a situation to avoid.
Continuing in your role as the CEO of the organization you chose in the Unit III Assignment, create a presentation to give to your employees that explains the communication blunders and your solutions to avoid them in the future.
Include the components listed below in your presentation.

  1. If your organization committed a communication blunder, outline the communication error and what went wrong (highlight the shortfalls). If you researched an example, share the example with your organization, and explain what happened and how you can learn from it.
  2. Outline your suggested solution(s) to fix the problem and what processes from Chapter 9 in your textbook can be implemented.
  3. Explain what your organization can learn from this mistake and ways to improve communication in the future.
  4. Support your work with a references slide.

Your completed PowerPoint presentation should include a minimum of seven slides, not counting the title and reference slides. You must reference the textbook at a minimum.
Assignment 2 International management
1. (200 words response) Some international management experts contend that globalization and national responsiveness are diametrically opposed forces, and that to accommodate one, a multinational must relax its efforts in the other. In what way is this an accurate statement? In what way is it incomplete or inaccurate?
2. (200 words response)  In what way do the concepts of formalization, specialization, and centralization have an impact on MNC organization structures? In your answer, use a well-known firm such as IBM or Ford to illustrate the practical expressions of these three characteristics.

  • attachment



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