Management homework help

Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of four to eight slides (one or two slides per topic) in which you discuss each of the following leadership training topics:

  1. Leadership Style and Impact: Assess the three key elements of a leadership style and the impact that those elements can make on business success. Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker’s notes.
  2. Motivation: Determine two key ways in which a leader can motivate employees to achieve their goals for the organization. Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker notes.
  3. Managerial Communication: Give three recommendations for a leader to articulate their vision for the company to employees and other stakeholders. Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker’s notes.
  4. Hiring Leaders: Prepare your webinar participants for the hiring process by asking them to assume they have received a résu​mé from a candidate to join your organization as a leader. Describe at least two criteria you would use to evaluate whether an applicant’s leadership style is a good fit for your organization. Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker’s notes.

Professional Writing and Narrated PowerPoint Requirements

  • Locate at least three quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation must be visually appealing and follow these formatting requirements:
    • Use headings on each slide and at least one relevant graphic (photographs, charts, clip art, and so on).
    • Apply slide design best practices (minimal text, supporting graphics, and proper mechanics, grammar, and spelling) for a professional presentation.
    • Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
    • Provide a properly formatted references list on the last slide.
      • Note that the title and reference slides are not included in the required number of slides.
    • Include speaker’s notes for each slide; your speaker’s notes, combined with each slide’s content, must thoroughly address each of the leadership training topics.


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