>Management homework help

Assignment 1 Sales Management:
In this assignment, you will plan to conduct an audit of a sales organization and hold a sales meeting to discuss your findings. Prepare one document that includes your 500-word business memo and the 500-word script of what you will say at the sales meeting. Read the situations carefully so you know what to include in each part.
You have been selected as the new sales manager of Rapid Digital, a firm founded 20 years ago to provide digital repair services and equipment to other businesses. You are replacing the long-time sales manager (who retired) to bring fresh thinking to the sales organization and its 30 salespeople. The vice president of marketing has asked you to audit the sales organization and prepare a business memo of at least 500 words that describes, in detail, how you will conduct the audit. Be sure to explain the role of sales volume, cost, and profitability in your audit. How do these three evaluate the effectiveness of the sales organization? Also, be sure to discuss the concept of benchmarking and how it will be used in your audit to determine the effectiveness of the salesforce.
Your audit of the sales organization raises questions in your mind about the accuracy of the expense information submitted by salespeople and whether some reps may be stretching ethical boundaries to make sales. You decide to call a sales meeting to address your concerns. What will you say? Write a script of at least 500 words that explains the importance of submitting accurate expense reports and following ethical guidelines. Include some examples of ethical lapses.
You should not use a title page but should include references for any sources you use, including the course textbook. Please include at least two scholarly sources, including your textbook.
Assignment 2 Risk Management:
For this assignment, you have been assigned as the project manager for a project involving the installation of a new Internet security suite for your company.
Complete the following tasks for your project:

  • Provide a brief overview of your project.
  • Describe positive and negative risks within your project.
  • Discuss how each of the identified risks can affect the success or failure of the project and rank each risk in terms of impact to the project.
  • Propose risk mitigation and management approaches for each identified risk.
  • Describe the role policy plays in the planning and performing of risk management processes.

This assignment should contain a minimum of three pages. Refer to the unit lesson and to Chapter 10 of the course textbook for identification of risks and strategies for risk mitigation.
Please be sure that your written response utilizes proper APA formatting and that all sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


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