Research Topic: Implementation of agile methodology in retail domain.
· PART1: Review the following guidance for APA citation and formatting and complete the examples assignment below:
HU Library APA Citation and Format
Purdue OWL APA In-Text Citations: The Basics
Purdue OWL APA Style Reference Format
· PART 2: Provide a reference list of all sources used.
· PART 3: Provide a short outline of your paper
· Note that your Mandatory Approval Form for GRAD 699 or PMGT 699 is also due this week.
Paraphrasing What Researchers Say
Provide two examples from your research paraphrasing what authors mean in your own words. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations. Template suggestions:
· X acknowledges that __________.
· X agrees that __________.
· X argues that __________.
· X believes that __________.
· X denies/does not deny that _____.
· X claims that __________.
Agreement and Consensus
Provide two examples from your research where more than one author concurs or supports a certain claim. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations. Template suggestions:
· In discussions of risk management, X and Y agree __________.
· The assertion that agile project management is frequently not appropriate for construction projects is believed by X, Y and Z.
· X asserts that quality assurance should be evaluated through all project phases. Similarly, Y posits that quality control should be revisited at least two times in the execution phases.
Ongoing Debates
Provide two examples from your research where more than one author disagrees or proposes an opposite view of another researcher. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations. Template suggestions:
· In discussions of X, one controversial issue has been __________.
· On the one hand, __________ argues __________ while __________ contends __________.
· Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of __________. Whereas some are convinced that __________, others maintain that __________.
Establishing Why Claims Matter
Provide two examples from your research explaining the importance of certain claims. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations. Template suggestions:
· X matters/is important because __________.
· Ultimately, what is at stake is __________.
· These findings have important consequences for the broader domain of _______.
· These conclusions will have significant applications in ________ as well as ____
(List all references used above in APA format. A minimum of five sources should be cited)
Introduction (3-5 statements about the context of your research)
Problem Statement (1-5 sentences explaining the problem you are researching)
Literature Review Outline (Review of the major themes that emerged from your literate research)
· PART1: Review the following guidance for APA citation and formatting and complete the examples assignment below:
HU Library APA Citation and Format
Purdue OWL APA In-Text Citations: The Basics
Purdue OWL APA Style Reference Format
· PART 2: Provide a reference list of all sources used.
· PART 3: Provide a short outline of your paper
· Note that your Mandatory Approval Form for GRAD 699 or PMGT 699 is also due this week.
Paraphrasing What Researchers Say
Provide two examples from your research paraphrasing what authors mean in your own words. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations. Template suggestions:
· X acknowledges that __________.
· X agrees that __________.
· X argues that __________.
· X believes that __________.
· X denies/does not deny that _____.
· X claims that __________.
Agreement and Consensus
Provide two examples from your research where more than one author concurs or supports a certain claim. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations. Template suggestions:
· In discussions of risk management, X and Y agree __________.
· The assertion that agile project management is frequently not appropriate for construction projects is believed by X, Y and Z.
· X asserts that quality assurance should be evaluated through all project phases. Similarly, Y posits that quality control should be revisited at least two times in the execution phases.
Ongoing Debates
Provide two examples from your research where more than one author disagrees or proposes an opposite view of another researcher. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations. Template suggestions:
· In discussions of X, one controversial issue has been __________.
· On the one hand, __________ argues __________ while __________ contends __________.
· Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of __________. Whereas some are convinced that __________, others maintain that __________.
Establishing Why Claims Matter
Provide two examples from your research explaining the importance of certain claims. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations. Template suggestions:
· X matters/is important because __________.
· Ultimately, what is at stake is __________.
· These findings have important consequences for the broader domain of _______.
· These conclusions will have significant applications in ________ as well as ____
(List all references used above in APA format. A minimum of five sources should be cited)
Introduction (3-5 statements about the context of your research)
Problem Statement (1-5 sentences explaining the problem you are researching)
Literature Review Outline (Review of the major themes that emerged from your literate research)
- Introduction (3-5 sentences explaining the overall topic, its importance to project management and how the literature review is organized – i.e. sequential, topical, methodological, theoretical, etc.)
- Body (3-5 bullet statements of themes identified. Optional to include sub-bullets of research studies and findings)
- Theme 1
- Theme 2
- Theme 3
- Conclusion (3-5 sentences providing an evaluation/critique of the existing literature – i.e. contributions to the field, strengths/weaknesses, gaps, next steps)