>Psychology homework help

l Identify seven questions that you would include to assess organizational readiness for change (List and then explain each question in 40+ words). -Missing
1. Have the benefits of the change been made clear to everyone in the organization? The overall benefits that are expected from the organizational change must be clear.
2. Are the leaders of the organization able to lead the change? Every leader should confident and understand his role in the change.
3. Are the Executive committee and willing to support the change? The executive should clearly understand the change and be willing to support it.
4. Are the strategies to implement the new change been made clear? The strategy to change should be clearly defined and smoothly be applied to the daily operations of the business.
5. Are the staff aware of the change? To achieve the objective of the organization, staffs need to understand the need for change.
6. What is the staff reaction to change? Staff should support and be committed to the change.
7. Does everyone understand his responsibility for change? Responsibilities should be communicated and defined clearly to everyone in the organization.


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