Psychology homework help

 Research Project  Students will develop a quantitative research proposal, outlining and defending the research design, and preparing an appropriate research instrument. They will describe the topic of the research, literature review of the topic, methodology used, and type of statistical analysis that would be recommended if the proposal was implemented. Students will orally present these projects near the end of the term. A presentation date will be given by the instructor. When developing the research proposal consider an investigation which impacts upon a population at risk considering culture, race, gender, age, income levels, disability, or sexual orientation.  Instead, students will go through the steps of developing the research process. An oral presentation of the proposal will and may involve a PowerPoint presentation. The topic:” will be Postpartum Depression  For Teen Mothers” I also need the  PowerPoint Presentation separate from the paper, but on the same topic. PowerPoint Presentation slide 1 instruction: Problem formation introduced the problem and justify its important  prevalence of the problem filling gap, Discuss the population being study, theory identified a theory that may fit the study. Ethical Issues identified  potential ethical issues, deception, confidentiality, informed consent. Literature Review select 5 articles and their relation to the topic identified components relevant to the research proposal. Methodology identified the sample procedures and instruments display any graphs used in the proposal bar line pre and discuss data outcome. APA format  and References


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