Sociology homework help

2 Personal Development Paper (10%)
You are required to write a paper exploring your development from infancy and early childhood through adolescence. Your paper should include the following elements:
1. Identification and application of 2 developmental theories to the exploration of your development from infancy and early childhood through adolescence.
2. Discussion of your biological, psychological, sociological and cognitive development at each stage.
3. Identification and discussion of significant events andinfluences from infancy and early childhood through adolescence.
4. Identification and discussion of the influences of your family of origin on your development from infancy and early childhood through adolescence.
5. Identification and discussion of the effects of 2 macro influences such as culture, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, social class, history on your development from infancy and early childhood through adolescence.
Your paper should integrate material from at least 8 sources. These sources may include your text, journal articles, books and on-line sources. Your written assignment should be no longer than 15 pages and should be documented in APA format (5 points –technical issues).
Use headings and sub headings to delineate each component of each question. Students are reminded that every thought which is not original must be attributed to a source and cited within the body of the paper. All citations appearing in the reference page must be cited within the body of the paper.


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